Nov 182012

By Dana Guthrie (Beaumont Enterprise) A mom who posted a photo of her 18-month-old daughter breastfeeding on Facebook is planning to flood the social media site with similar photos over the next 72 hours.

Gina Crosley-Corcoran of claims on her website that Facebook deleted her photo and suspended her account for three days after she posted the photo.

“The photo broke NONE of the facebook rules for photo-sharing, yet it was deleted and I was punished anyay,” she said in her blog. “This happens all the time.”

Michele Zipp of The Stir highlighted Crosley-Corcoran’s blog, encouraging other women to post their own breastfeeding photos on Facebook starting at 10 a.m. Friday.

This is just wrong,” she said. “Let’s roar loudly so Facebook hears and makes some very needed changes and not just removes a photo because someone reported it…for no good reason, and that doesn’t even violate any rules.”

via You’re about to see a lot of breastfeeding photos on Facebook – Beaumont Enterprise.

 November 18, 2012  Posted by at 8:30 am Comments Off
Nov 162012

By Noe Torres (Reuters) A leftist Mexican lawmaker on Thursday presented a bill to legalize the production, sale and use of marijuana, adding to a growing chorus of Latin American politicians who are rejecting the prohibitionist policies of the United States.

The bill is unlikely to win much support in Congress since a strong majority of Mexicans are firmly against legalizing drugs, but may spur a broader debate in Mexico after two U.S. states voted to allow recreational use of marijuana last week. U.S. officials have said it remains illegal and that they are reviewing the state actions.

“The prohibitionist paradigm is a complete failure,” said Fernando Belaunzaran, the author of the bill from the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), who presented the proposal in Mexico’s lower house of Congress.

via Mexico lawmaker introduces bill to legalize marijuana | Reuters.

 November 16, 2012  Posted by at 8:18 am Comments Off
Nov 162012

(TorrentFreak) A ruling handed down yesterday by Germany’s highest court represents a blow to rightsholders in their quest to clamp down on illicit file-sharing. The court ruled that the parents of a teenager who had made available more than 1,100 songs on file-sharing networks can not be held responsible for their son’s infringements, nor be required to monitor or hinder his online activities.

via Parents Not Responsible For Their Teenager’s Music Piracy | TorrentFreak.

 November 16, 2012  Posted by at 8:09 am Comments Off
Nov 162012

By Helen Popper (Reuters) To the surprise of his detractors, Evo Morales — an ally of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez who shares his penchant for fiery leftist rhetoric — has proved a fiscal conservative. The country is expected to register its seventh-straight annual fiscal surplus in 2012.

Morales, 53, has nationalized areas of the economy from the vital natural gas industry to telecommunications companies and tin smelters, but he has also let the central bank’s foreign reserves swell to record levels and warded off the scourge of high inflation that battered Bolivia in the 1980s.

The economy is expected to grow more quickly than many of its wealthier neighbours this year and should maintain a healthy 5 percent expansion in 2013, according to the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates.

“Bolivia is no longer a country with a weak economy,” Economy Minister Luis Arce said last month after the nation sold its first global bonds in almost a century.

via NewsWires : euronews : the latest international news as video on demand.

 November 16, 2012  Posted by at 6:40 am Comments Off