Nov 162012

By Eric Schmitt (NY Times)  David H. Petraeus, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, told lawmakers on Friday that classified intelligence reports revealed that the deadly assault on the American diplomatic mission in Libya was a terrorist attack, but that the administration refrained from saying it suspected that the perpetrators of the attack were Al Qaeda affiliates and sympathizers to avoid tipping off the groups.

Mr. Petraeus, who resigned last week after admitting to an extramarital affair, said the names of groups suspected in the attack — including Al Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa and a local Libyan group, Ansar al-Shariah — were removed from the public explanation of the attack immediately after the assault to avoiding alerting the militants that American intelligence and law enforcement agencies were tracking them, lawmakers said.

via Petraeus Says U.S. Tried to Avoid Tipping Off Terrorists –

 November 16, 2012  Posted by at 9:19 pm Comments Off
Nov 102012

Never mind spies, Gmail reads everything you write so it can feed you the right ads.  –Jules Siegel

By Max Fisher (Washington Post) The beginning of the end came for CIA Director David Petraeus when Paula Broadwell, a younger married woman with whom he was having an affair, “or someone close to her had sought access to his email,” according to the Wall Street Journal’s description of an FBI probe. Associates of Petraeus had received “anonymous harassing emails” that were then traced to Broadwell, ABC’s Martha Raddatz reported, suggesting she may have found their names or addresses in his e-mail.

The e-mail account was apparently Petraeus’s personal Gmail, not his official CIA e-mail, according to the Wall Street Journal. That’s still a big deal: Some of the most powerful foreign spy agencies in the world would love to have an opening, however small, into the personal e-mail account of the man who runs the United States’ spy service. The information could have proved of enormous value to foreign hackers, who already maintain a near-constant effort to access sensitive U.S. data.

If Petraeus allowed his Gmail security to be compromised even slightly, by widening access, sharing passwords or logging in from multiple addresses, it would have brought foreign spy agencies that much closer to a treasure trove of information.

via Why David Petraeus’s Gmail account is a national security issue.

 November 10, 2012  Posted by at 9:49 pm Comments Off
Sep 262012

By David Kravets (Wired) Seven rent-to-own companies and a software maker are settling charges with the Federal Trade Commission that rental computers illegally used spyware that took “pictures of children, individuals not fully clothed, and couples engaged in sexual activities.”

As per the course, the FTC slapped the hand of DesignerWare of North East Pennsylvania and the rent-to-own companies. The settlement, announced Tuesday, only requires them to halt using their spy tools, which have been employed on as many as 420,000 rentals.

The software, known as Detective Mode, didn’t just secretly turn on webcams. It “can log the keystrokes of the computer user, take screen shots of the computer user’s activities on the computer, and photograph anyone within view of the computer’s webcam. Detective Mode secretly gathers this information and transmits it to DesignerWare, who then transmits it to the rent-to-own store from which the computer was rented, unbeknownst to the individual using the computer,” according to the complaint.

Under the settlement, the companies can still use tracking software on their rental computers, so long as they advise renters, the FTC said.

via Rent-to-Own Laptops Secretly Photographed Users Having Sex, FTC Says | Threat Level |

 September 26, 2012  Posted by at 11:29 am Comments Off
Sep 042012

By Annalee Newitz (io9) Last night, robots shut down the live broadcast of one of science fiction’s most prestigious award ceremonies. No, you’re not reading a science fiction story. In the middle of the annual Hugo Awards event at Worldcon, which thousands of people tuned into via video streaming service Ustream, the feed cut off — just as Neil Gaiman was giving an acceptance speech for his Doctor Who script, “The Doctor’s Wife.” Where Gaiman’s face had been were the words, “Worldcon banned due to copyright infringement.”

via How copyright enforcement robots killed the Hugo Awards [UPDATED].

 September 4, 2012  Posted by at 7:59 am Comments Off
Aug 192012

What is said to be the McCain campaign’s opposition research on Willard Romney confirms that he is a stealth Democrat who goes by the name of Mitt to frustrate any attempts to question his newly assumed Tea Party credentials.

Great reading. One thing you can say for the candidate the Teabaggers call N0bama is that at least he uses his own real name, no matter how inconvenient that might seem. Does anyone else remember Ann Coulter ridiculing the idea of someone named [cue drooling sarcasm] ”Barack Hussein Obama” running for president?

Some results from just the summary:


* Romney says he changed his mind on abortion meeting with Harvard stem cell researcher – Romney claims the doctor said scientists “kill” embryos after 14 days, but doctor later said Romney “mischaracterized my position.”

* Months after his “conversion,” Romney stated his commitment to upholding Massachusetts’ abortion laws and appointed pro-choice judge to state district court.

* In October 2005, Romney signed bill expanding family planning services, including abortion counseling and morning-after pill.

* In December 2005, Romney “abruptly ordered his administration to reverse course … and require Catholic hospitals to provide emergency contraception medication to rape victims.”

* Romney health insurance plan expanded access to abortion, required Planned Parenthood representative on state panel.

* Romney endorsed legalization of abortion pill RU-486 access during his 1994 Senate race and backed federal funding of abortion, saying “I think it’s important that people see me not as a pro-life candidate.”

* In 1994 and 2002, Romney confirmed his support for Roe v. Wade decision and forcefully positioned himself as pro-choice in 1994 Senate race, saying “you will not see me wavering on that.”

* Romney has refused to comment on bill pending in South Carolina legislature requiring that abortion doctors offer pregnant women option of viewing ultrasound.

Gay Rights

* Romney endorsed Rep. Barney Frank’s Employment Nondiscrimination Act in 1994.

* In 1994, Romney called “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy first step toward having gays and lesbians “able to serve openly and honestly in our nation’s military” and said he would provide “more effective leadership” on gay rights issues than Ted Kennedy.

* In 2003, The Washington Times reported Romney “would support a Vermont-style civil union law in Massachusetts.”

* As governor, Romney said health coverage benefits and hospital visitation rights should be provided to gay couples.

* Romney promised to make gay partnership benefits a “hallmark of my leadership as governor” and has said he would attend gay weddings if invited.

* Romney publicly opposed Boy Scouts’ ban on homosexuals in 1994 and 2002 campaigns.

* In 2002, Romney backed hate crimes legislation that included sexual orientation provisions.

* In 2007, Romney praised gay parent who confronted him over gay marriage issue, but in 2005 remarked South Carolina audience that some gay couples “are actually having children” and called it “wrong.”

Gun Control

* In 1994 Senate race, Romney backed Brady bill and assault weapons ban, saying “I don’t line up with the NRA” and “that’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA.”

* Romney called Clinton crime bill “a big step forward.”

* As governor, Romney quadrupled gun licensing fees and vowed not to “chip away” at tough gun laws

* In 2004, Romney signed permanent state-level ban on assault weapons that was mirrored after federal assault weapons ban.

* In January 2006, Romney said he owned a gun – then two days later admitted he did not and the gun belonged to his son.

* Romney bragged about being member of the NRA but later revealed he didn’t join until August 2006, just before launching his presidential campaign.

* Romney recently said he’s “been a hunter pretty much all my life” but later admitted he hunted only twice in his life, later clarifying remarks by claiming he has hunted “small varmints … more than two times.”

* In 2006 press conference, Romney claimed he had been hunting “many times” after returning from quail hunt in Georgia.

 August 19, 2012  Posted by at 7:39 am Comments Off